2006 Turin Winter Olympics Blog


Winter Olympics Trivia Quiz 6

This is our sixth and final weekly Winter Olympics trivia Quiz. Answer the questions below to test your knowledge of the Winter Olympics.

1. What was the first Winter Olympics called?
a) The Winter Olympics
b) The International Winter Sports Week
c) The Winter Games
d) The International Winter Sports Competition

2. How old was Anders Haugen when he received his bronze medal for ski jump?
a) 14
b) 17
c) 50
d) 83

3. What country won the the first Winter Olympic event?
a) Norway
b) Finland
c) Germany
d) USA

4. Which female U.S. figure skater at the age of 15, became the youngest woman to win a gold medal at the Winter Olympic Games?
a) Michelle Kwan
b) Tara Lipinski
c) Jennifer Rodriguez
d) Sarah Hughes

5. True or False? Three years before the 2002 Winter Olympics started it was revealed that several IOC members accepted inappropriately large gifts in exchange for voting to hold the Games in Salt Lake City.

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